In fact, they might be able to engage each other at all. It gets even more complicated when there are multiple flotillas and thus multiple tracks, because the top and bottom tracks may not be able to engage each other under certain circumstances. Likewise, if both sides play Turtle, they will both start at short-range and remain at short-range.

If both sides play Barrage Fire, then both sides will remain at long-range through all three phases. But because the Turtle flotilla wants to be at short-range, the fleets will close as you go through the phases until they're at short-range in the 3rd. Short-range always defers to long-range, so if you play something like Barrage Fire with only one flotilla (always the one in the center), while your opponent plays Turtle, you'll start at long-range. And all of these have a profound influence on our society. After all, the STEM field encompasses multiple disciplines: environmental research, neurobiology, astrophysics, robotics, computer science, and much more.

This has major implications for deciding what ranges they start at. As you can see, even simple essays about technology cover a wide variety of topics. A really important thing to remember about flotillas is that they will try to 'be' at the corresponding ranges shown on the tactics card.